Old School

Last night I was out at a waterfront pub called "Against the Grain" It just happens to be in the same building as the rock radio station Q107. Looking through the glass windows I could see the interviewing rooms and the broadcast room complete with an announcer. Everything was digital, no record players, no tape machines, no stacks of media, no gold records on the wall. The only concession to Rock and Roll where 3 guitars placed sort of against the wall. I have seen accountant offices that were less bland. Now days mostly everything is pre-programmed by equally bland people somewhere, most likely not even a person but a computer calculating what and when something should or should not be played all to maximize short term profit.


Back in the 80s I had good luck to be connected through good friends to both Chum Radio and Chum TV. I can tell you Chum Radio was far from sterile. DJ programmed much of their own music many times to the chagrin of management and the CRBC.. Music and radio was a lifestyle Rock and Roll meant well rock and roll. Maybe it's my age but I can't help thinking that when we are adopting disruptive technology we might be throwing out some of our passion, humanity and individuality, the proverbial baby in the bath water.


Chum the early days



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Uploaded on August 28, 2012
Taken on August 16, 2012